
The Press’  monographs and edited volumes

The West Point Companion to the Updated ICRC Commentary on the Third Geneva Convention

Sean Watts

Open Access


Leadership & Innovation During Crisis

Liam Collins


An Annotated Autobiography of Henry O. Flipper

Rory McGovern & Tony McGowan

The Concept of Security in International Law

Hitoshi Nasu

Open Access


Militiamen, Rangers, & Redcoats

James M. Johnson


Ukraine Symposium Volume 1

Sean Watt, Ron Alcala, & Mehmet Coban

Coming Soon

The West Point Landscape: 1802-1860

Jon Malinowski

Open Access


Rules and Commentaries on Jus ad Bellum

John Norton Moore


Key to America

Jim Johnson

Coming Soon

Publish with the West Point Press


Monograph publishing with the West Point Press is determined by an editorial board composed of USMA faculty scholars. Under the Board’s guidance, the Press offers an innovative range of content to fulfill the evolving needs of scholars, students, authors, leaders, and readers. The Press publishes monographs from the disciplines of STEM, the humanities, and the social sciences. The Press also publishes works focusing on or featuring the United States Military Academy.