About the Press


The West Point Press is the publishing arm of the United States Military Academy at West Point. It embodies and advances the Academy’s mission and core values by publishing practical knowledge for students, scholars, and leaders around the world.

The Press disseminates knowledge via peer reviewed monographs and journals, digital textbooks, white papers, articles, reports, proceedings, and podcasts. The Press’ monographs and journals are platinum open access.

The Press is a partner for USMA faculty and staff wishing to disseminate the results of their research. However, the Press publishes work from scholars regardless of institutional affiliation.

Content published under the West Point crest reflects a commitment to the highest standards of scholarship.

What the Press Publishes


Scholarly Books

Digital Textbooks

Open Access Journals


Timely Podcasts

White Papers, Proceedings, Reports,


Some of the Press’ Acclaimed

Authors & Editors


Clifford J. Rogers, PhD

Eugenia C. Kiesling, PhD

Edward G. Lengel, PhD

Daniel R. Smith, PhD

Gail Yoshitani, PhD

Gregory Daddis, PhD

Ty Seidule, PhD

Hitoshi Nasu, PhD

Dennis Showalter, PhD


The Press’ Leadership Team




Deputy Director


Managing Editor

Lynn Messina


The Editorial Board

The Editorial Board reviews all monographs under consideration for publication by the Press. The Board consists of faculty members from the United States Military Academy with expertise of benefit to the Press. The Board meets up to four times a year to consider all books that have passed peer review. Editorial Board members act as active advocates and ambassadors for the Press and help solicit book proposals. Board members are approved by the USMA Dean and serve for 3 years with an option to extend for a second 3-year term.

The Editorial Board must approve all West Point Press book projects. The Board considers the peer reviews, the author’s response, and an overview prepared by the Press Director. A majority vote in favor of the project is needed before the manuscript can be published.

Publish with the West Point Press




Digital Textbooks

